Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


There are regulations which impose various requirements on a financial institutions’ treatment of customer information.  These regulations require that financial institutions develop privacy policies and disclose these policies to its customers.

Express Futures Inc. considers your privacy one of our utmost concerns. This Privacy Notice outlines our current policies and practices regarding how information about individual customers is collected and used.  We will send existing customers an updated Privacy Notice on an annual basis.

In order to provide you with individualized service, Express Futures Inc. collects information about you from your account application and other forms that you may deliver to us.  Express Futures Inc. also collects information about your transactions with us and our affiliates.  We may use this information to open an account for you, process your requests and transactions and to provide you with additional information about our products and services.  In addition, if you decide at some point to close your account, we will continue to adhere to the privacy policies and practices described in this notice.

We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you.  We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with US federal standards to guard your personal information.

Disclosure to Non-Affiliated Third Parties

In order to support the financial products and services we provide to you, Express Futures Inc. and our FCMs may share the personal information described above with third-party service providers and joint marketers not affiliated with us, including:

  • financial service institutions (e.g., advisers, dealers, brokers, trust companies and banks) with whom we have joint marketing agreements, such as agreements to market financial services or products that we jointly offer, endorse or sponsor; and
  • companies under contract to perform services for us or on our behalf, such as vendors that prepare and mail statements and transaction confirmations or provide data processing, computer software maintenance and development, transaction processing and marketing services.

These companies acting on our behalf are required to keep your personal information confidential.

Also, we may disclose personal information with non-affiliated companies and regulatory authorities as permitted or required by applicable law. For example, we may disclose personal information to cooperate with regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies to comply with subpoenas or other official requests, and as necessary to protect our rights or property. Except as described in this privacy policy, we will not use your personal information for any other purpose unless we describe how such information will be used at the time you disclose it to us, or we obtain your permission to do so.